Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Missing you...and Moving my Behind :-)

Hello all. Well, J has been gone less than a week and I'm missing him terribly. I know there are a million people in this same situation, but it doesn't make it any easier. We can't even communicate regularly on the computer for at least a few more weeks and it REALLY sucks not to be able to talk to him everyday.

Ok, I won't ramble on any longer about how said I am. J would tell me to quit being poopie-pantsed so I'll just move on.

I started working out yesterday!

I haven't done any kind of exercise for a long time. And it shows. *EEP!* I'm even heavier than I thought I was. I'm not extremely overweight or anything but I'm the heaviest I've ever been in my life. I NEVER thought I'd be this heavy (especially since I don't have any kids!). I'd like to lose 30 pounds (maybe even 40 if I pull off 30) and a few dress sizes. I've never been "tiny," even when I was in good shape, so I know I'll keep my curves.

Wish me luck on that. I can do it. :-)

I'll have some spanking related news soon. I don't want to jump the gun and say too much about it before it happens, but if all goes according to plan I'll get to spank my girlfriend! :D I promise to have more news on that very soon. :-)

Well, that's it for this post. I'll be back soon. I hope everyone is having a good new year so far!

Happy Spanking!

~Brat V~

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